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Episode 88: Biz Plan on a Napkin with Hallie Bulkin MA CCC-SLP, COM

In today’s episode you get to listen to a recording of Hallie’s LIVE Biz Plan on A Napkin Masterclass.

Hallie will guide you on how to map out your goals for 2021 without overthinking the process or letting it stop you in your tracks.

In this episode:

1) You’ll finally discover how simple biz planning really can be.⁣
2) The #1 mistake people make when biz planning that costs them Time and Money (this will seem small, but has big consequences).⁣
⁣3) Why ‘perfecting your biz plan’ is the worst way to start or grow your biz…and the surprising thing you need to do instead. ⁣

You’ll leave feeling confident, clear and ready to conquer 2021 with your biz goals mapped out on a NAPKIN. ⁣

If you’d rather WATCH the recording of the masterclass you can do so here:

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