Join Hallie as she jumps into the connection between tongue ties and speech. A review of sounds and tongue placement that can be affected by tongue tie is given as well as an explanation of why compensation is not “good enough”. She reminds us that research is important but so is clinical experience and finding the root cause; especially for those patients who have been in speech therapy for a LONG time. This episode is short but info packed! Perfect for both clinicians and parents!
yes, I still agree with waiting awhile to do a tongue tie release, especially now that we know about expansion and exercises, that can even reduce tonsils, etc. but when it is a feeding or breathing problem and they are older and can tolerate the surgery better, to wait. But it should be done if indicated. You can see it, there is an deformity in the mouth and needs to be worked if, fortunately it can be, presently. Compensation can be transitionary , in my opoinion. Thank you. zh
yes, I still agree with waiting awhile to do a tongue tie release, especially now that we know about expansion and exercises, that can even reduce tonsils, etc. but when it is a feeding or breathing problem and they are older and can tolerate the surgery better, to wait. But it should be done if indicated. You can see it, there is an deformity in the mouth and needs to be worked if, fortunately it can be, presently. Compensation can be transitionary , in my opoinion. Thank you. zh