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Episode 263: Breathing Easy : Link Between Orthodontics, Speech & Health with Dr. Svitlana Koval, DMD, MSc, BD and Tiffany Zilberman M.S. CCC-SLP 

This week on the podcast, Hallie dives deep into the world of orthodontics with Dr. Svitlana Koval, an airway orthodontist and Tiffany Zilberman, a pediatric feeding specialist and myofunctional therapist. They challenge the traditional view of orthodontics, highlighting the importance of early intervention and care throughout all life stages.

The conversation explores how orthodontics can impact not just your smile, but also your speech, breathing, and overall health. They discuss the connection between airway health, orthodontics, myofunctional therapy, feeding therapy and speech therapy, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach.

Learn the difference between traditional orthodontics focused solely on teeth alignment and airway orthodontics that considers the entire airway system and more! 

If this episode has resonated with you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag Hallie @halliebulkin, Dr. Svitlana @drsvitlanakoval, and Tiffany @littleeatersfl


In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The Importance of Early Intervention in Orthodontics
  • Addressing Skeletal Issues Before Orthodontic Treatment
  • The Holistic Approach: Orthodontics, Myofunctional Therapy, Feeding and Speech Therapy
  • Typical Orthodontics vs. Airway Orthodontics
  • The Mouth as a Door to the Body
  • The Teeth as Victims of Airway Issues
  • The Importance of Breathing for Survival
  • Recognizing the Signs of Airway Issues
  • Educating Teachers about Airway Issues
  • The Optimal Time for Intervention



Connect with Dr. Koval on Instagram and check out her website at

Get to know Tiffany on Instagram and visit her website

Connect with Hallie on Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIN

Haven’t left a review yet? Click here and thank you, as always, for being a listener!  



Join Hallie for the 5-Day FREE Training April 29 to May 3, 2024 and get 5 hours on a certificate of completion:

Download your Free Screening Packet here:

Pediatric feeding screenings are critical! All pediatric SLPs & OTs should know how to screen, even if you don’t work in ped feeding! 

If a child has a speech sound disorder and/or sensory feeding challenges there’s likely an oral motor deficit at play. We need to screen all of our pediatric patients to know if further evaluation is needed. Afterall, if additional services are needed, it’s our job to provide them and help our littlest patients function optimally! 

If you’re an SLP or OT (students welcome, too!), join Hallie and thousands of your SLP & OT colleagues for a FREE 5-day training and screen your first pediatric feeding patient. Over 23,017+ SLPs & OTs have already completed this free training. Now it’s YOUR TURN! 


Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Free training April 29 – May 3,, 2024: Hallie will bring the patients!
  • 5 Hours on a certificate of completion to count toward your renewal hours.
  • Opportunity to earn 1 of 5 Full Scholarships  [2 needs based] to the 12-week Feed The Peds® course
  • A free pediatric feeding screening packet.

Inside the free screening packet, you’ll find:

  • A pediatric development chart from birth to 36 months of age 
  • A checklist with the 50 most common symptoms 
  • A chart to easily organize findings & determine if further assessment is needed
  • A referral form to easily refer patients to other specialists, when needed


Doors to Feed The Peds® [the 12-week course] will open May 6 – 10, 2024!

Bonus: enroll in the 12 week course and you’ll get the 5 hours from the free training for official ASHA and AOTA CEUs!

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