In this episode, Hallie and Dr. Kimberly Baer discuss all things airway. They talk about Dr. Baer's personal experience with airway issues and her road to becoming an airway centric provider. Dr. Baer also discusses how unaddressed airway issues can affe ...
Episode 48: Patrick McKeown BA, MA – Nasal Breathing Will Save Your Life (Part 2)
In this episode, Hallie continues her conversation with Patrick, the founder of the Buteyko Breathing Clinic. Hallie & Patrick discuss the impact of long term mouth breathing across the life span as well as answer a variety of questions from liste ...
Episode 47: Patrick McKeown BA, MA – Nasal Breathing Will Save Your Life (Part 1)
In this episode Hallie and Patrick, the founder of the Buteyko Breathing Clinic, discuss mouth breathing and snoring in children and adults including the cause, assessment, and treatment. They discuss what it means to breathe in 3D, how to achieve nasal ...
Episode 33: Sleep Apnea in Children: Snoring Is NEVER Normal
In this episode, Hallie explains why snoring should not be ignored or brushed off as normal, even in children.
Episode 6: Cheryl Shafer, RDH, BS, COM
Cheryl Shafer shares her son’s experience with speech issues and how having his tongue-tie released while he was in high school completely changed his life.