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Episode 237: Inherent Health with Lauren Christman and Collin Sedlacek

Join Hallie on the latest episode of The Untethered Podcast as she jumps into the fascinating world of Craniosacral Therapy (CST), its history and its connection to osteopathy, holistic health, and the intricate interplay between structure and function within our bodies with her guests Lauren Christman, LMT, CCST, CBSI/ATSI and Collin Sedlacek, LMT, MLDC, CCST candidate.

In this enlightening conversation they define inherent health, the importance of structure-function relationships, the role of fascia in connecting different body parts, the autonomic nervous system’s responses, and the gentle manual therapy known as Craniosacral Therapy. 

They also talk about the importance of a team approach to healthcare, finding skilled manual practitioners and more!

If this episode has resonated with you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag Hallie @halliebulkin, Collin @integral_somatics, and Lauren @craftedtouch (on Facebook)


In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • A Brief History of Craniosacral Therapy
  • The Impact of Historical Context in Osteopathic Treatment and Finding Help for Your Child 
  • The Body’s Ability to Self-Organize and Heal
  • The Impact Of C-Sections On The Breastfeeding Journey 
  • The Wisdom in Feeling: Caring for the Whole Body to Address Feeding Issues 
  • The Relationship between the Pelvis and Feeding Challenges in Children 
  • The Impact of Digestion and Nervous System on Infant Feeding 
  • The Balance of Art and Science in Pediatric Feeding Therapy
  • Building Rapport with Patients: Listening Skills for Therapists
  • Supporting Physiological Self-Organization with Polyvagal Theory 
  • Coping Skills and Trauma Relief for Parents
  • Finding a Qualified Practitioner for Pediatric Manual Therapy 
  • Feeling Comfort and Connection Through Co-Regulation 
  • Regulating the Nervous System: Exploring Physical Practices for Enhanced Wellness 



Check out Collin’s website here  or connect with him on Instagram 

Get to know Lauren more on Facebook or visit her website

Connect with Hallie on Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIN

Want to learn how you can screen for pediatric feeding disorders? Get your free screening packet here

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