Today Hallie discusses mouth breathing. Possible reasons, what to look for and how to change treat are all reviewed. Whether you are a parent or a therapist this episode lays a great foundation for understanding the long term effects of mouth breathing ...
Episode 179: Hypotonia & Its Impact on Oral Function
In this episode Hallie answers listener questions about how to approach assessment and intervention for patients that present with oral dysfunction and low muscle tone (hypotonia). A definition of low muscle tone and its characteristics are discussed, pro ...
Episode 178: The Impact of TOTs on Transition to Solids
In this episode Hallie talks about how Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) can impact the transition to solid foods and what behaviors to monitor! She lists readiness factors for introducing solid foods and who to reach out to when your child is struggling.SLPs ...
Episode 177: How to Stop Infant and Toddler Thumbsucking 
In this episode Hallie introduces best treatment practices of oral habits in the infant and toddler population. She highlights the need to determine the root cause of the habit and how addressing the root cause can eliminate oral habits without direct tre ...
Episode 176: The Impact of Expansion on Speech, Feeding, Myo and Sleep
In this episode Hallie discusses new research on the impact Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) can have on speech, feeding, sleep and myofunctional disorders. She provides education on early expansion and the positive effects it can have on a child’s overal ...
Episode 175: Dr Eyal Botzer, DDM. Creator of TongueGym by Liper
In this episode Hallie talks to Dr. Eyal Botzer, creator of TongueGym by Liper. Dr. Botzer is a DDM out of Israel and is passionate about intervening early to prevent ongoing complications such as obstructive sleep disorders, swallowing/feeding disorders ...
Episode 174: Tongue Tie Release and Airway Health in Birth to Three Population with Amy Luedemann-Lazar, DDS, MMD
In this episode Hallie talks to Dr Amy Luedemann-Lazar, DDS, MMD a pediatric dentist with a passion for the birth to three populations. Hallie and Dr Luedemann discuss everything from bodywork and anatomy to the most effective laser frenulum release. Dr. ...
Episode 173: The TMJ’s Role In Facial Development & Airway
In this episode Hallie talks to Tiffany Lamberton, DDS about the role that the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) and Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) play in Myo. Dr. Lamberton shares her own journey, first as a Physical Therapist (PT) turned Dentist (DDS) an ...
Episode 172: ADHD and Sleep Disordered Breathing
Hallie continues the series with Part 3 of the “Symptoms of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders” mini-series, explaining the link between Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) and symptoms of ADHD. She highlights the most severe form of SDB, Obstructive Sleep Ap ...
Episode 171 : Breathing Shouldn’t be Audible with Hallie Bulkin, MA, CCC-SLP, CMT, COM, QOM
Hallie introduces an exciting new series “Symptoms of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders”. In this first episode of her series she discusses audible breathing and what it indicates. She highlights the impairments to our overall health across th ...